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DVD Movie Sale is a comprehensive DVD site where you can search for any movie by genre, film title, actors name or director. Complete with full film information & synopsis as well as being able to compare prices for your favourite DVD from leading retail stores. You even have the opportunity to include your personal film reviews or give your personal ratings with numerous chances to win dvd related prizes.
An old witch is determined to drive a Baron to suicide. An officer in Napoleon's army becomes involved after he pursues a young woman to the Baron's castle...
Edgar Allen Poe's 'The Tomb Of Ligeia' in which a newlywed still obsesses over the death of his previous wife. His dead wife re-incarnates herself in the form of a vicious cat that terrorises the new bride.
Television commercial director, Paul Groves, is struggling to come to terms with his divorce. He visits a guru who suggests that an acid trip will help him...
A shady hypnotist (Richard Garland) regresses the memory of a fallen woman (Pamela Duncan) so that she actually goes back in time to reexperience past lives. Things go wrong when she helps a medieval version of herself named Helene escape being as...
When a party of Viking women set off across the sea to find their missing menfolk they are captured by a race of barbarians...
After much research into the queen wasp Professor Zinthrop concludes that using the wasp's jelly he can create an elixir that will reverse the ageing process. All he needs to complete his research is a volunteer for the practical experiment. Where...