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25th Hour, The

25th Hour, The

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Edward Norton, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, Barry Pepper, Rosario Dawson, Anna Paquin, Brian Cox

Director: Spike Lee

Summary: Drug dealer, Monty Brogan has just twenty four hours to make peace with his family and friends before he is sent to prison for seven years. He needs to get together with his father and friends, Jacob and Slaughtery and also his girlfriend, Naturelle. But can he put his life in order before it is too late?...

Spike Lee's bracing adaptation of David Benioff's novel is a vibrant, vital motion picture. Edward Norton plays Monty Brogan, a harmless drug dealer who has 24 hours of freedom before serving a seven-year jail sentence. Nervous, confused, and terrified, Monty turns to his closest friends for support: Frank Slattery (Barry Pepper), a cocky stock broker who resents Monty for throwing his life away; Jakob Elinsky (Philip Seymour Hoffman), a hapless high school teacher who is attracted to one of his students (Anna Paquin); and Monty's heartbroken father (Brian Cox), who blames himself for Monty's demise. And then there is Naturelle (Rosario Dawson), Monty's beautiful girlfriend, who may or may not be guilty of shopping Monty to the cops. Monty spends his last day trying to ignore the inevitability of time, but everyone and everything only reminds him of the bleak, unpromising days that lay ahead.
With 25TH HOUR, Spike Lee revisits the fiery territory of 1989's DO THE RIGHT THING. Frustrated by Hollywood's seeming denial of the events of September 11th, Lee creates a film that brilliantly captures the mood and atmosphere in New York City in the months following the attack.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Commentary - 1. Spike Lee - Director, 2. David Benioff - Writer, Author, Deleted Scenes, Featurette - 1. THE EVALUATION OF AN AMERICAN FILMMAKER, 2. GROUND ZERO - A TRIBUTE
Year: 2002
Release Date: May 1, 2007
Runtime: 129 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: B E D 888851
Keywords: Hour, General, Thriller, 25th
Genre: Thriller

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