David Niven,
Kim Hunter,
Marius Goring,
Roger Livesey,
Raymond Massey,
Anton Walbrook,
Deborah Kerr,
John Laurie,
A.E. Matthews,
Roland Culver,
Valentine Dyall,
Albert Lieven,
Wendy Hiller,
Pamela Brown,
Finlay Currie
Michael Powell
Summary: In 'A Matter Of Life And Death' an RAF pilot ditches in the Channel during World War 2 and becomes caught between heaven and earth. In 'The Life And Death Of Colonel Blimp' a British soldier survives three wars and falls in love with three women. His past life is revealed in flashbacks. In 'I Know Where I'm Going' Joan has known what she wants since early childhood. Now she's about to marry a millionaire, but a storm strands her on a Hebridean island and the forces of nature conspire to change her mind.
Three classic films of Powell and Pressburger--purveyors of quality drama.
A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH: With his crew either dead or parachuted out, his craft in flames and falling fast, RAF bomber pilot Peter Carter bails out without a chute. His miraculous survival allows him to pursue a fortuitous romance with the radio operator with whom he shared what he thought were his last words. But agents in Heaven discover that a mistake was made -- and a celestial trial threatens to revoke Carter's new lease on life.
THE LIFE AND DEATH OF COLONEL BLIMP: An old, befuddled British military officer, Colonel Blimp, reminisces about his past glories in this witty war satire. Deborah Kerr plays three different women in the Colonel's long, but not particularly well-spent life.
I KNOW WHERE I'M GOING: Romantic comedy about a girl who plans to marry for money and finds her ideas challenged when she is stranded on a remote Scottish island where she becomes enamoured by a penniless sailor.