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40 Year Old Virgin

40 Year Old Virgin

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Steve Carell, Catherine Keener, Paul Rudd, Leslie Mann, Elizabeth Banks, Jane Lynch

Director: Judd Apatow

Summary: Andy Stitzer has everything he needs in his life except a girlfriend. He's never even made love to a woman and he's forty years old. When he meets his dream date, Trish, their relationship begins with a no-sex rule...

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Cult comic actor Steve Carell--long adored for his supporting work on The Daily Show and in movies like Bruce Almighty and Anchorman--leaps into leading man status with The 40 Year-Old Virgin. There's no point describing the plot; it's about how a 40 year-old virgin named Andy (Carell) finally finds true love and gets laid. Along the way, there are very funny scenes involving being coached by his friends, speed dating, being propositioned by his female manager, and getting his chest waxed. Carell finds both humour and humanity in Andy, and the supporting cast includes some standout comic work from Paul Rudd (Clueless, The Shape of Things) and Jane Lynch (Best in Show, A Mighty Wind), as well as an unusually straight performance from Catherine Keener (Lovely & Amazing, Being John Malkovich). And yet... something about the movie misses the mark. It skirts around the topic of male sexual anxiety, mining it for easy jokes, but never really digs into anything that would make the men in the audience actually squirm--and it's a lot less funny as a result. Nonetheless, there are many great bits, and Carell deserves the chance to shine. --Bret Fetzer

Aspect Ratio: 1.85 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Deleted Scenes, You Know How I Know You Are Gay, Andys Fantasies, Cal And Paula, Date A Palooza, Line O Rama, Waxing Doc, Advice From Mooj, Gag Reel, My Dinner With Stormy
Year: 2005
Release Date: December 5, 2005
Runtime: 127 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 823 879 4
Keywords: Year, Old, Comedy, General, Virgin
Genre: Comedy

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