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Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle, The (Live Action / Animated)

Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle, The (Live Action / Animated)

Universal, Suitable For All.Info Stars: Rene Russo, Jason Alexander, Randy Quaid, Robert De Niro, Piper Perabo, Carl Reiner, Janeane Garofalo, Jonathan Winters, John Goodman, Kenan Thompson

Director: Des McAnuff

Summary: Rocky and Bullwinkle are finding it hard to make ends meet living off of residual checks from repeats of their cartoons, when they are called on to stop an evil criminal taking over the world...

A wild and wacky pun-filled cross-country romp, THE ADVENTURES OF ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE is a cinematic journey worthy of its television predecessor. Using cutting-edge technology in combining animation with live action, director Des McAnuff has created an eye-popping thrill ride littered with ridiculous, silly jokes that are probably making Bullwinkle creator Jay Ward roll around in his grave in laughter--and pride.
A stellar cast, including Robert De Niro (Fearless Leader), Jason Alexander (Boris Badenov), Rene Russo (Natasha Fatale), Piper Perabo (FBI Agent Karen Sympathy), and Randy Quaid, keeps tongues firmly in cheek as they do battle over RBTV--Really Bad TV. June Foray wonderfully reprises her television role as Rocky, while Keith Scott does a fine job providing the voice for both Bullwinkle and the Narrator. This self-referential film lampoons elements of the road movie, the courtroom drama, the FBI thriller, the prison drama, and dozens of other Hollywood staples and cliches. Along the way Rocky and Bullwinkle meet up with the likes of Whoopi Goldberg, Billy Crystal, Carl Reiner, David Alan Grier, Don Novello, Janeane Garofalo, John Goodman, and Jonathan Winters in a series of comic mishaps reminiscent of IT'S A MAD MAD MAD MAD WORLD.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk The Adventures of Rocky &Bullwinklesuffers from a problem common among live-action movies that are based on beloved cartoon characters--the humans are never as flexible, unpredictable, or just plain goofy as their animated counterparts. In this blend of animation and live action, Rocky and Bullwinkle remain animated characters (trapped in our reality), while Boris and Natasha (Jason Alexander and Rene Russo), along with their boss, Fearless Leader (Robert De Niro), are transformed from cartoons to human reproductions when they escape from rerun land. They've come to our world to take it over; the FBI springs Rocky and Bullwinkle from the second dimension to stop them. But the writing in Kenneth Lonergan's script lacks the throw-away flair of the jokes that characterised Jay Ward's much-beloved animated series of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Part of the problem is that Russo, Alexander and De Niro are so obviously working at acting cartoonish, instead of simply being cartoons. And part is that the script rarely comes up with the kind of wonderful wordplay in which Ward specialised. The moose, as usual, gets all the best lines, but they're too few and far between to salvage this underachieving summer film. --Marshall Fine, Amazon.com

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Trailer
Year: 2000
Release Date: October 22, 2001
Runtime: 88 minutes
Certification: Universal, Suitable For All.
Catalogue Number: M P 022 D
Keywords: Animated, Action, Adventures, Family, Live, Comedy, General, Rocky, Animation, Bullwinkle
Genre: Family

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