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Angel - Series 1-5 - Complete (Box Set)

Angel - Series 1-5 - Complete (Box Set)

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: David Boreanaz, Charisma Carpenter, Glenn Quinn, Alexis Denisof, J. August Richards, Andy Hallett, Amy Acker, James Marsters

Summary: A former vampire, Angel was motivated by guilt, as well as a relationship with Buffy, to join her on the side of good. Now he heads up a team of sundry vampire hunters, who battle, among other enemies, the law firm Wolfram and Hart, which serves as a front for vampires. Angel's spiritual advisor Doyle, who is part-human and part-demon, guides him as he navigates the dangerous, glamorous world of LA, which is, unknown to most of its residents, a constant battleground between the forces of good and evil. Meanwhile, Angel must constantly face his own dark side, which forever tempts him back to the vampire's life. Contains series 1 to 5 of ANGEL.

David Boreanaz stars as Angel in the hip, popular spin-off of Joss Whedon's now-iconic BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER. A former vampire, he was motivated by guilt, as well as a relationship with Buffy, to join her on the side of good. Now he heads up a team of sundry vampire hunters, who battle, among other enemies, the law firm Wolfram and Hart, which serves as a front for vampires. Angel's spiritual advisor Doyle, who is part-human and part-demon, guides him as he navigates the dangerous, glamorous world of LA, which is, unknown to most of its residents, a constant battleground between the forces of good and evil. Meanwhile, Angel must constantly face his own dark side, which forever tempts him back to the vampire's life. Contains series 1 to 5 of ANGEL.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Cast and crew commentaries, Featurettes, Deleted Scenes, Outtakes, Screen Tests,
Release Date: October 30, 2006
Runtime: 5184 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 3093301000
Keywords: Angel, English, General, Series, Tv, Horror, Complete, Occult
Genre: Horror/Occult

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