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Art Of Exotic Dancing For Everyday Women, The (Wide Screen)

Art Of Exotic Dancing For Everyday Women, The (Wide Screen)

Info Stars: Laurie Conrad

Summary: A guide to exotic dancing with body rhythm instruction which includes: stationary, revolving, squatting and kneeling.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk The Art of Exotic Dancing for Everyday Womenis an American offering that might have been more honestly titled, The Art of Ridiculous Dancing for Desperate Women. The emphasis on late thirty-to-fiftysomething women turning to exotic dancing--of the men's club variety as opposed to the ancient art of belly dancing--turns it into more of a chat show-cum-documentary instead of a "how to" lesson in seriously sexy moves.

As an older woman rather than a bouncing busty babe, presenter Laurie Conrad doesn't intimidate, and her teaching is simple and certainly nurturing. Her session consists of walking (essentially a step, drag, step, drag move), a series of hip rolls (in which an imaginary turkey tray is crucial), floorwork (predictable gyrating) and a finale striptease that incorporates the lot. Too much focus on the real women is distracting, and there is a lack of hardcore dance technique. Though it might just about appeal to an older female audience looking for a confidence boost, the lack of humour means this comes across as silly rather than sexy. --Lorna V

Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Behind The Scenes, Music Jukebox Trailer, Dear Oprah
Release Date: October 10, 2005
Runtime: 60 minutes
Certification: Exempt.
Catalogue Number: 30370 90643 R D
Label: Granada Ventures
Keywords: Women, Art, General, Dancing, Wide, Screen, Health, Everyday, Exotic, Leisure, Interest
Genre: General Interest (Leisure/Health)

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