Summary: The charming children's television series THE BACKYARDIGANS celebrates the power of imagination with a fun blend of vibrant computer animation and energetic musical sequences. Aimed at preschool children ages 2-5, the series centres on five colourful animal friends who transform their yards into magical fantasy lands that serve as backdrops for their musical adventures. As the talented fivesome break into song and dance with well-crafted original music and fanciful choreography, children are encouraged to join in the fun for an interactive experience that fosters creative thinking and physical movement.
The charming children's television series THE BACKYARDIGANS celebrates the power of imagination with a fun blend of vibrant computer animation and energetic musical sequences. Aimed at preschool children ages 2-5, the series centres on five colourful animal friends who transform their yards into magical fantasy lands that serve as backdrops for their musical adventures. As the talented fivesome break into song and dance with well-crafted original music and fanciful choreography, children are encouraged to join in the fun for an interactive experience that fosters creative thinking and physical movement.
Rottingham is a town renowned for its filthiness, but that's all about to change when Robin Hood comes into town! In this episode of THE BACKYARDIGANS, the merry gang pick up their scrub brushes and help the townsfolk clean away the crud that tarnishes the city's reputation!