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Bad Boy Bubby

Bad Boy Bubby

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Nicholas Hope, Ralph Cotterill, Claire Benito, Carmel Johnson

Director: Rolf De Heer

Summary: An award-winning Australian production which traces the life of a man named Bubby who, for the last 35 years, has lived within the confines of his tiny home. Then one day he ventures outside and begins a wild lifestyle... Winner of the Grand Jury Prize at the Venice Film Festival.

Australian director Rolf de Heer's bizarre parable of innocence and corruption, belief and redemption, paints a decidedly grim picture while allowing hints of optimistic humanism to filter through. Bubby (Nicholas Hope) is a 35-year-old manchild, confined his whole life by his domineering mother--who uses him for sex--to a two-room tenement apartment. She has convinced Bubby that the air outside is poisonous, donning a gas mask every time she leaves; all this changes when Bubby's father, a priest who has lost his religion, shows up. His presence both demonstrates the possibility of breathing the air outside, and inspires Bubby to an act of violence that upsets his enclosed world. Finding himself out on the street, the antisocial, nearly mute Bubby must now encounter society, and his adventures run the gamut from poignant and funny to grim and brutal. He is seduced by a Salvation Army worker, adopted by a rock band with whom he performs, imprisoned, raped, and saved again.

An incredibly unique and eccentric film, BAD BOY BUBBY inspired some controversy upon its release, with some judging its themes so dark as to be unethical. But this verdict belies the compassion and empathy latent in the treatment, which expands the piece to encompass both disillusionment with society, as well as hope for humanity. The film noir style presents a gritty, raw view of a corrupt world, presented through honest, innocent eyes.

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Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Region: Region B
Special Features: Bonus DVD version of the film, Bonus digital copy of the film
Year: 1994
Release Date: August 3, 2009
Runtime: 114 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: E K A 70010
Keywords: Black, Adult, Boy, Bad, Comedy, General, Drama, Bubby
Genre: Drama

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