Justin Theroux,
Paul Rudd,
Elizabeth Banks,
Michael Showalter,
Peter Dinklage,
Michelle Williams
Michael Showalter
Summary: This quirky comedy marks the directorial debut of Michael Showalter, who is a member of the comedy troupe STELLA, and has starred in the cult-favourite film WET HOT AMERICAN SUMMER. Joining frequent collaborators Michael Ian Black, David Wain, and Paul Rudd, among others, Showalter stars here as Elliot Sherman. A nice, slightly boring, neurotic, and dorky guy, Sherman neatly sums up his personality by referring to himself as a 'Baxter'. In the weeks preceding his unlikely wedding to perky but cold beauty Caroline (Elizabeth Banks), Elliot reflects, through a series of humorous flashbacks, on the events that have brought him to this point. As Caroline's unbelievably perfect ex-boyfriend Bradley (Justin Theroux of MULLHOLLAND DRIVE and SIX FEET UNDER) re-enters her life, Elliot must fight for his fiance's dwindling attention. Meanwhile, Cecil (Michelle Williams), a cute temp working at Elliot's office, further complicates the situation by making Elliot wonder whether he's after the right girl in the first place. Shot around the Brooklyn neighbourhoods of Park Slope, Cobble Hill, Boerum Hill, and Fort Greene, this love story for the underdog evokes a charmingly vintage New York feel.