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Being John Malkovich

Being John Malkovich

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: John Cusack, Cameron Diaz, Catherine Keener, Orson Bean, Mary Kay Place, W. Earl Brown, John Malkovich, Sean Penn, Brad Pitt, Charlie Sheen, Charlie Sheen, Sean Penn, Brad Pitt

Director: Spike Jonze

Summary: Original is far too understated a term to describe this picture, brought to you by the surreal, twisted minds of screenwriter Charlie Kaufman and actor-director Spike Jonze. The story concerns a puppeteer, Craig Schwartz (John Cusack), who discovers his office has a secret portal that leads directly into the brain of one of America's most popular actors, John Malkovich (Malkovich himself, in a hilariously self-mocking appearance). When the journey ends fifteen minutes later, the participant is spewed onto the side of the New Jersey Turnpike. Schwartz uses his discovery as a way to get closer to fellow coworker Maxine (the always fascinating Catherine Keener). Together, the pair form JM, INC., which allows ordinary citizens to join in on the fun for 200 dollars a pop. But when Craig's wife Lotte (a homely Cameron Diaz), is seduced by Maxine while in Malkovich's body, things begin to unfurl at an even more outrageous pace. Sound confusing?

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk While too many films suffer the fate of creative bankruptcy, Being John Malkovichis a refreshing study in contrast, so bracingly original that you'll want to send director Spike Jonze and screenwriter Charlie Kaufman a thank-you note for restoring your faith in the enchantment of film. Even if it ultimately serves little purpose beyond the thrill of comedic invention, this demented romance is gloriously entertaining, spilling over with ideas that tickle the brain and even touch the heart. That's to be expected in a movie that dares to ponder the existential dilemma of a forlorn puppeteer (John Cusack) who discovers a metaphysical portal into the brain of actor John Malkovich.

The puppeteer takes a job working as a file clerk on the seventh-and-a-half floor of a Manhattan office building; this idea alone might serve as the comedic basis for an entire film, but Jonze and Kaufman are just getting started. Add a devious co-worker (Catherine Keener), Cusack's dowdy wife (a barely recognisable Cameron Diaz), and a business scheme to capitalise on the thrill of being John Malkovich, and you've got a movie that just gets crazier as it plays by its own outrageous rules. Malkovich himself is the film's pièce de résistance, playing on his own persona with obvious delight and--when he enters his own brain via the portal--appearing with multiple versions of himself in a tour-de-force use of digital trickery. Does it add up to much? Not really. But for 112 liberating minutes, Being John Malkovichis a wild place to visit. --Jeff Shannon

Aspect Ratio: 1.85 Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Original Theatrical Trailer, Filmographies, Art Of Puppeteering Featurette, Art Of Background Diving Featurette, John Horatio Malkovich, Dance Despair And Disillusionment, 7 And A Half Floor Orientation, Spike Jonze Interview, Photo Album, 4 TV Slots
Subtitles: Dutch, English, French, German
Year: 1999
Release Date: May 8, 2006
Runtime: 112 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 820 369 3
Keywords: Charlie, Being, Comedy, John, General, Wide, Screen, Fantasy, Kaufman, Malkovich
Genre: Comedy

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