DVD Title   Buy Now DVD Rental Best Of Soul Cinema - Foxy Brown/Coffy/Black Mama, White Mama, The (Box Set)

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Best Of Soul Cinema - Foxy Brown/Coffy/Black Mama, White Mama, The (Box Set)

Best Of Soul Cinema - Foxy Brown/Coffy/Black Mama, White Mama, The (Box Set)

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Pam Grier, Terry Carter, Antonio Fargas, Sid Haig, Alan Arbus, William Elliott, Margaret Markov, Lynn Borden

Director: Jack Hill

Summary: Includes the Pam Grier films FOXY BROWN, COFFY, and BLACK MAMA, WHITE MAMA.

Includes the Pam Grier films FOXY BROWN, COFFY, and BLACK MAMA, WHITE MAMA. In FOXY BROWN, Foxy is a toughened woman living in a drug-plagued L.A. ghetto who goes on a one woman mission of vengeance after her undercover cop boyfriend is shot down in the street. The badass lass goes undercover herself, as a call girl for the evil mistress of the drug cartel, and with the help of a neighbourhood vigilante committee, wreaks some hell on the bad guys. In COFFY, a hardworking nurse out to avenge her smack-addicted 11-year-old sister by waging a one-woman war on Los Angeles drug dealers. After her cop friend Carter is beaten up for not being crooked, Foxy decides to go undercover as a high-class Jamaican prostitute for King George, a super mack-daddy pimp with big-time heroin connections. In BLACK MAMA, WHITE MAMA, two female prisoners, who hate each other, escape from their captors and run for freedom. They each want to go their own way but... they are chained together.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Original theatrical trailer
Release Date: January 22, 2007
Runtime: 253 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 3573301000
Keywords: Black, English, White, Mama, Brown, Soul, Box, Three, Foxy, Set, Best, Cinema, Discs, Coffy
Genre: Action/Adventure

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