DVD Title   Buy Now DVD Rental Beyblade - Vol. 1 (Animated)

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Beyblade - Vol. 1 (Animated)

Beyblade - Vol. 1 (Animated)

Universal, Suitable For All.Info
Summary: Four episodes including: 'The Blade Raider', 'Day Of The Dragoon', 'Take It To The Max!', and 'The Qualifier Begins'.

This popular anime series centres on young Tyson, who has always dreamed of becoming the best Beyblader in the world and has devoted himself to the sport. Brash and cocky, Tyson jumps at the chance to challenge Kai, an undefeated blader who promptly schools the rookie and destroys his blade. Now more determined than ever to be the best, Tyson sets out to rebuild his blade so that it is strong enough to defeat Kai.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Beybladeis an animé tie-in to the high-tech spinning top toys. It has some of the standard faults of the cheaper Japanese animations--such as static backgrounds and overly perky facial design--but it makes inventive use of the idea that the competitions of the Beybladers are the outward manifestation of more occult conflicts in another realm.

Young Tyson is a keen and inventive Beyblader--in the first episode, he works out a way of quadrupling the speed and force of his top--but it helps that his Beyblade is inhabited by the spirit of an ancestral dragon. Thus equipped, he moves through one round after another of an international competition, sometimes in alliance with the haughty Kai and his gang and sometimes opposing them, and always helped by Kenny and Dizzi, the spirit beast that inhabits Kenny's laptop. How much of this you want to watch will ultimately depend on how many duels between spinning tops you are going to be interested in, but the byplay between physical and spirit realms, and the conflict of characters is moderately interesting as well.

On the DVD:Beyblade, Volume 1comes with stereo sound and a visual aspect ratio of 4:3. The special features are limited to promotional material for the Beyblade tops, including quizzes and guides to customising. --Roz Kaveney

Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: The Beyblade Quiz, How To Make A Beyblade
Year: 2002
Release Date: April 5, 2004
Runtime: 83 minutes
Certification: Universal, Suitable For All.
Catalogue Number: C T D 10115
Keywords: Animated, Family, General, Animation, Childrens, Vol, Beyblade
Genre: Childrens

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