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Brush With Fate

Brush With Fate

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Glenn Close, Ellen Burstyn, Thomas Gibson, Phyllida Law, Kelly MacDonald, Richard Russo

Director: Brent Shields

Summary: There are only thirty-five original paintings in the world by 17th century artist Johannes Vermeer - but could there be a thirty-sixth? Cornelia Englebrecht, an eccentric school teacher, possesses that priceless work of art and decides to share its history with a fellow teacher whom she introduces to her father. Dark secrets appear as the secrets of past owners unfold...

BRUSH WITH FATE follows the life of an imaginary painting by Dutch painter Vermeer as it passes through the hands of various people. The film is based on "Girl In Hyacinth Blue," a novel by author Susan Vreeland, and stars noted actresses Glenn Close and Oscar winner Ellen Burstyn (ALICE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE, REQUIEM FOR A DREAM).

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 2003
Release Date: April 30, 2007
Runtime: 96 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: I2 F 3028
Keywords: With, General, Fate, Brush, Drama
Genre: Drama

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