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Butt-Ugly Martians - The Martians Have Landed

Butt-Ugly Martians - The Martians Have Landed

Parental Guidance.Info
Summary: The first four episodes from this series: 'Playback/Payback', 'Jax, The Conqueror', 'Meet Gorgon' and 'You Bet Your Planet'.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk The Martians Have Landed!is a stuffed-to-the-antennae (although, come to think of it, they don't have any) introduction to the Butt-Ugly Martians, that trio of CGI extraterrestrials who are sent to this world to conquer it but who decide Earth is so cool (mainly due to our endless supplies of junk food, video games and other essentials) that they decide to stay here and defend it instead, notably against their own leader, Emperor Bog. This results in some quite funny scenarios, with the BUMs faking scenes of conquest for transmission home by using painted backdrops. They're aided and abetted by a pair of teenagers and a robotic dog (called Dog) and hunted by the superbly named Stoat Muldoon, who makes it his business to hunt aliens. There are four episodes of the TV series here: "Playback/Payback", "Jax the Conqueror", "Meet Gorgon" and "You Bet Your Planet". Despite the fact that the CGI is mostly of sub-PlayStation standard--although the scenes set in outer space are pretty effective--they're perfect post-school, pre-teatime wind-down fodder.

The 4:3 DVD scores heavily in the extras department, with behind-the-scenes interviews with the production staff and voiceover actors (which include the veteran Robert "Untouchables" Stack), a quiz, a gallery, a trivia section, Web links and more.--Roger Thomas

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Interactive Menus, Photo Gallery, Comic Strip, Promo Trailers
Year: 2001
Release Date: March 12, 2001
Runtime: 90 minutes
Certification: Parental Guidance.
Catalogue Number: A H E D V D 3005
Keywords: Have, General, Landed, Ugly, Martians, Animation, Childrens, Butt
Genre: Childrens

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