William L. Petersen,
Marg Helgenberger
Summary: Created by Anthony Zuiker and executive produced by movie maven Jerry Bruckheimer, the thrilling series centres on the Las Vegas Police Department's night-shift forensics unit, which utilizes cutting-edge technology to solve the often grisly crimes of a glamorous city whose constant influx of visitors makes it rife with criminal elements. This collection presents all 23 episodes from the series' first season.
A smash hit from the moment of its 2000 debut, CSI: CRIME SCENE INVESTIGATION has continued to remain one of the most popular, innovative, and critically acclaimed crime dramas in television history. Created by Anthony Zuiker and executive produced by movie maven Jerry Bruckheimer, the thrilling series centres on the Las Vegas Police Department's night-shift forensics unit, which utilizes cutting-edge technology to solve the often grisly crimes of a glamorous city whose constant influx of visitors makes it rife with criminal elements. Quickwitted detective Gil Grissom (William Petersen) leads the highly skilled investigative team that includes his single-mother partner, Catherine Willows (Marg Helgenberger); hair and fiber expert Nick Stokes (George Eads); former gambling addict Warrick Brown (Gary Dourdan); and fresh-faced newbie Sara Sidle (Jorja Fox) with the help of a tough-as-nails police captain, Jim Brass (Paul Guilfoyle), and an efficient lab coroner, Dr. Al Robbins (Robert David Hall). Heavy on science, creative camerawork, and uncomfortably graphic depictions of violence, CSI is praised by fans and critics alike for its consistently gripping and well-written storylines, often inspired by real-life cases. This collection presents all 23 episodes from the series' first season.