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Cable Guy, The (Wide Screen)

Cable Guy, The (Wide Screen)

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Jim Carrey, Matthew Broderick, George Segal, George Baker

Director: Ben Stiller

Summary: Steve Kovack tries to slip the Cable Guy fifty dollars, in the time-honoured way, in order to get all the movie channels for free. Except this fellow only wants a friend, doesn't want any money and won't take no for an answer...

When a young urbanite calls to order cable TV for his apartment he gets much more than he bargained for, as the demented title character arrives and proceeds to insinuate his way into the beleaguered customer's life. Raised by television as a child and starved for human contact, the "cable guy" is a darkly hilarious carnation of the modern age. Carey's manic karaoke rendition of Jefferson Airplane's "Somebody to Love" is a twisted highlight.

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Reviewed by: davybozal24-7
Posted on March 8, 2006 12:30 PM

This is Jim Carrey at his wonderfully menacing best as only he can manage and it will have you on the edge of your seat as you really root for his hapless victim as the Cable Guy (Jim Carrey) won't take no for an answer.

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Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Theatrical Trailer, Chapter Selections
Subtitles: None
Year: 1996
Release Date: September 5, 2005
Runtime: 92 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: C 823 618 3
Keywords: Cable, Comedy, General, Wide, Screen, Guy
Genre: Comedy

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