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Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Paul Kaye, Gavin Brocker, Natalie Press, Nonso Anozie, Leo Gregory, Frank Bruno, Linda Bassett, Tamer Hassan

Director: Jon S. Baird

Summary: Dramatisation of the events surrounding the life of Cass Pennant; one of the best-known figures of the infamous West Ham hooligan outfit, the I.C.F. (Inter City Firm).

Dramatisation of the events surrounding the life of Cass Pennant; one of the best-known figures of the infamous West Ham hooligan outfit, the I.C.F. (Inter City Firm). Cass Pennant (Nonson Anozie, ATONEMENT) was placed in a Dr. Barnados orphange as a baby in 1950s London. A black child adopted by an elderly white couple, Cass was forced to endure constant racist bullying growing up. His pent-up rage exploded one day when he attended a West Ham game and becomes involved with Hammers hooligans as they take on a rival firm. Cass becomes hooked on the rush of the violence, as well as the acceptance and camaraderie. He quickly rises through the ranks of the West Ham hooligan element, later becoming head of the notorious Inter City Firm. As a six-foot-five black man in a predominantly white social group, he is picked out by the police during the government's clampdown on football hooliganism. After brushes with the law, Cass attempts to change the direction of his life by running a security firm. But old enemies are never far away.
CASS is a compelling film about the intriguing life of its subject and charts issues of class, race and masculinity across a number of decades, showcasing the seismic changes in British life. Nonson Anozie ably carries the film and is well supported by Nathalie Press (MY SUMMER OF LOVE) as his wife and Nick Love favourite Tammer Hassan (THE FOOTBALL FACTORY), among others.

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Aspect Ratio: 1.85 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Behind-the-scenes featurette, Short film: IT'S A CASUAL LIFE, Cass Pennant In His Own Words, Trailer, TV spots, Commentary with director John S. Baird, producer Stefan Haller, and actor Nonso Anozie
Year: 2008
Release Date: December 29, 2008
Runtime: 108 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: O P T D 1283
Keywords: English, General, West, Ham, Drama, Hooligan, Cass, Icf
Genre: Drama

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