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Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Eric Bana, Simon Lyndon, David Field, Kate Beahan, Vince Colosmo, Kenny Graham, Dan Wyllie, Bill Young

Director: Andrew Dominik

Summary: Australian comedian Eric Bana is Mark Chopper Read, a legendary criminal who wrote his best-selling autobiography, FROM THE INSIDE, while serving a murder sentence in prison. Beginning in the blue-washed light of a maximum security Melbourne prison, Chopper establishes his dominance with the impulsive knifing of a fellow prisoner. Vaccillating between violence and regret, Chopper apologises to his victim, but his good mate Jimmy (Simon Lyndon) later retaliates against Chopper in an excruciating contract stabbing, rife with sexual tension. Finally released from prison, the heavily-tattooed Chopper has lost the better part of both of his ears, as well as the ability to make any distinction between his own made-up stories and reality. At a nightclub with his prostitute girlfriend, Tanya (Kate Beahan), he runs into Neville (Vince Colosimo), an old victim who limps from the attack but glitters in drug-funded gold. In his paranoia, Chopper connects rumours of a new contract on his life to Neville, Tanya, and his old mate Jimmy, to whom he pays a visit and discovers a man rotting from drug abuse. Alternately wickedly funny and grotesque, CHOPPER gives no easy answer to the question of Chopper Read's motives, but his method is clear, 'Ya bash people for no reason, just to get a name for yourself'.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 2000
Release Date: December 3, 2007
Runtime: 90 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: M T D U M D 5361
Keywords: General, Chopper, Drama
Genre: Drama

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