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Crank 2 - High Voltage

Crank 2 - High Voltage

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Bai Ling, Jason Statham, Amy Smart, Dwight Yoakam, Efren Ramirez, Clifton Collins Jr.

Director: Mark Neveldine

Summary: For those who thought there couldn't possibly be a sequel to CRANK, this adrenaline-fuelled film marks a return for the character of Chev Chelios (Jason Statham). In CRANK: HIGH VOLTAGE, Chelios tears through Los Angeles as he searches for the Chinese criminal who has possession of his heart. Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor are back in the directors' chairs, and Amy Smart, Dwight Yoakam, and Efren Ramirez revisit their roles from the original film.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Action anti-hero Jason Statham is competing with himself to make the most relentless, non-stop action flick imaginable. In Crank, Statham stars as a hit man named Chev Chelios who's been poisoned by some Chinese toxin; the only way to stave it off is to keep his adrenalin flowing, which requires him to drive at top speeds through crowded traffic, start fights in bars, and run pell-mell down hospital corridors while wearing one of those humiliating smocks that tie in the back. In other words, Crankis high-end pop-trash, filled with many preposterous/ingenious stunts and over-the-top performances (Dwight Yoakam, Sling Blade, is downright droll as a doctor offering Chev assistance), marred by an unpleasant attitude towards women (Amy Smart, Outside Providence, will not look back on this as one of her signature roles). This is a movie for the audience who enjoyed Transporterand Transporter 2but wanted Statham's perpetual scowl to become a kind of theatrical mask, a perpetual signifier of intensity that begs--nay, demands--that everything around it rise to a mutual level of absurdity. Fans of Luc Besson (Leon/The Professional, District 13) will find Crankto be simpatico. --Bret Fetzer

Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region B
Year: 2009
Release Date: November 30, 1999
Runtime: 96 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Keywords: High, Action, English, General, Adventure, Voltage, Crank
Genre: Action/Adventure

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