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Day After Tomorrow, The (Definitive Edition)

Day After Tomorrow, The (Definitive Edition)

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Ian Holm, Jake Gyllenhaal, Emmy Rossum, Dennis Quaid, Sela Ward

Director: Roland Emmerich

Summary: Scientists talk about the planet being threatened by a possible climatological disaster. In this big budget feature the threat becomes a reality in quick time. The planet's oceans become cooler sparking deadly storms. A new ice age begins.

With THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW, director Roland Emmerich (INDEPENDENCE DAY, GODZILLA) trades evil aliens and radioactive lizards in for some seriously bad weather. When a radical change in the temperature of the world's oceans causes deadly storms and sets a new Ice Age in motion, climatologist Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid) must race from Washington D.C. to save his son, Sam (Jake Gyllenhaal), in the subzero climes of New York City. Elsewhere, tornadoes and hail menace the globe, leading to international disasters on an extraordinary level. Emmerich, who has proven to be a master of big-budget cinematic destruction on numerous occasions, aims to outdo himself with THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW. Here entire cities are ripped apart, flooded, and/or frozen, adding up to one of the biggest disaster movies ever filmed. Although astonishingly rendered special effects rule the movie, adept actors such as Quaid and Gyllenhaal (along with Sela Ward, Ian Holm, Emmy Rossum, and others) turn in solid performances that help to balance out the meteorological mayhem. Surprisingly, Emmerich also uses the film as a vehicle for clever moments of social and political commentary, making THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW admirably smarter and considerably more entertaining than typical Hollywood blockbusters.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Supreme silliness doesn't stop The Day After Tomorrow from being lots of fun for connoisseurs of epic-scale disaster flicks. After the blockbuster profits of Independence Day and Godzilla, you can't blame director Roland Emmerich for using global warming as a politically correct excuse for destroying most of the northern hemisphere. Like most of Emmerich's films, this one emphasizes special effects over such lesser priorities as well-drawn characters and plausible plotting, and his dialogue (cowritten by Jeffrey Nachmanoff) is so laughably trite that it could be entirely eliminated without harming the movie. It's the spectacle that's important here, not the lame, recycled plot about father and son (Dennis Quaid, Jake Gyllenhaal) who endure an end-of-the-world scenario caused by the effects of global warming. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the awesome visions of tornado-ravaged Los Angeles, blizzards in New Delhi, Japan pummeled by grapefruit-sized hailstones, and Manhattan flooded by swelling oceans and then frozen by the onset of a modern ice age. It's all wildly impressive, and Emmerich obviously doesn't care if the science is flimsy, so why should you? --Jeff Shannon

Aspect Ratio: 2.35 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Commentary by director/co-writer Roland Emmerich and producer Mark Gordon, Commentary by co-writer Jeffrey Nachmanoff, cinematographer Ueli Steiger, editor David Brenner and production designer Barry Chusid, 10 Deleted Scenes with optional commentary by Rol
Year: 2004
Release Date: March 5, 2007
Runtime: 119 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 2650301054
Keywords: Day, After, English, Edition, Definitive, Dramatomorrow
Genre: Drama

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