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Dirty Deeds

Dirty Deeds

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Bryan Brown, John Goodman, Toni Collette, Sam Neill, Sam Worthington

Director: David Caesar

Summary: Set in the Australian criminal world of 1969, this is the story of Barry Ryan, a high profile gangster. Barry's business becomes under threat when a group of American gangsters try to muscle in...

DIRTY DEEDS is an Aussie gangster flick set against the booming casino underworld of late 1960s Sydney. Bryan Brown (COCKTAIL, THE THORN BIRDS) stars as Barry Ryan, an Australian mobster who controls the city's gambling scene and is making a killing from the casino slot machines. His profitable venture attracts the unwanted attention of the American Mafia, who attempt to secure a piece of the action by sending in two of their henchmen: the pensive, world-weary veteran Tony (John Goodman) and his violent, not-too-bright sidekick Sal (Felix Williamson). Ryan soon finds himself fending off the trigger-happy Yanks, Outback-style, while also contending with his feisty wife (Toni Collette), needy mistress (Kestie Morassi), and a crooked cop (Sam Neill). Utilising flashy camerawork, black comedy, and mobster protagonists, writer/director David Caesar tips his hat to the criminal capers of Quentin Tarantino and Guy Ritchie, while lending the proceedings a distinctly Down Under flair.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Commentary - 1. David Caesar - Director, 2. Geoffrey Hall - Director of Photography, 3. Paul Healy - Music Composer, Featurette - 1. Behind the Music, Documentary - 1. GET DIRTY: Behind the Scenes, Out-takes, Photo Gallery, Cast Biographies
Year: 2002
Release Date: January 26, 2004
Runtime: 94 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: M P 250 D
Keywords: Dirty, Comedy, General, Deeds, Drama
Genre: Drama

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