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Doctor Who - New Beginnings (Box Set)

Doctor Who - New Beginnings (Box Set)

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk A good value boxset that unites a loose trilogy of stories of varying interest from the back catalogue, Doctor Who: New Beginnings maintains the high standards set of late by the show’s catalogue releases. Beginnings is the underlying theme, with the stories following the introduction of the late Anthony Ainley’s take on The Master, the swansong of Tom Baker’s Doctor, and the debut of Peter Davison in the title role.

The first story, "The Keeper Of Trakken", tells of a living statue that poses a threat to Traken World. It’s quite a good tale, introducing Nyssa to the Doctor Who Universe, but more worryingly for the Doctor it also plays host to a resurgent Master. And it’s he too who plays a crucial part in "Logopolis", Tom Baker’s final story in the title role. It’s the best story in the New Beginnings boxset, as the Doctor battles both The Master, and the potential end of the Universe when the mathematicians of Logopolis are threatened. Along the way, he also adds Tegan to the crew of the TARDIS for the first time, with the first appearance of Peter Davison as the Doctor, too.

Davison’s first full story though, "Castrovalva"", is the weakest link of the set. Again it features The Master, and it follows the newly regenerated Doctor--in a very shaky state--as he heads for the supposedly peaceful retreat of the title, only to find, as you’d expect, that all isn’t as it seems. Sadly, the premise isn’t really realised, resulting in one of the more tepid stories of Davison’s reign.

Ultimately though, Doctor Who: New Beginnings delivers two very good stories. Yet this being Doctor Who, each is backed up by enough extra features to paper over even the most telling of cracks, and there’s plenty on offer to justify the asking price.--Simon Brew

Aspect Ratio: 1.33 Full Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Comentary, Interviews , Featurettes, Music video, Isolated music, Deleted scenes, Trailers
Year: 1981
Release Date: January 29, 2007
Runtime: 300 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: B B C D V D 1331
Keywords: New, English, Who, General, Doctor, Fiction, Science, Tv, Beginnings
Genre: Science Fiction

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