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Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Rock Hudson, Diane Ladd, Roddy McDowall, Barbara Carrera, Vincent Baggetta, Jack Colvin, Anne Schedeen, Dick Winslow

Director: Ralph Nelson

Summary: Futuristic story of a doctor who conducts experiments on foetuses. A bizarre turn of events changes his life forever...

In this science fiction thriller, Rock Hudson tenderly portrays isolated scientist Dr. Paul Holliston, who gets involved doing experiments on a human fetuses and discovers a method to accelerate the process of the fetus growing into a mature adult in just a few days. Barbara Carrera is perfect as Victoria, his not so perfect, perfect looking instant adult female who is Holliston's first success along with a dog. And things only get worse once the "adult" fetus turns into a homicidal psycho and starts looking for a new formula to prevent her from aging any further. In a kind of contemporary science fiction thriller meets THE BRIDE OF FRANKENSTEIN, director Ralph Nelson manages an effective blend of old and new plot elements. The plot driven screenplay is based on a story by Jack W. Thomas. Diane Ladd turns in a great supporting performance as Martha, Dr. Holliston's jealous housekeeper. The story wasn't filmed until ten years after its inception because producer's allegedly feared that its topic, misfortunes with growth hormones, was too provocative for audiences.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1976
Release Date: August 11, 2008
Runtime: 105 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: P F D V D 1154
Keywords: General, Embryo, Drama, Thriller
Genre: Thriller

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