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Encounters Of The Spooky Kind (Wide Screen)

Encounters Of The Spooky Kind (Wide Screen)

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Sammo Hung, Chung Fat, Chan Lung, Lam Ching-Ying, Wu Ma

Director: Sammo Hung

Summary: The supernatural meets martial arts as Cheung The Brave becomes caught between two powerful Taoist wizards.

Sammo Hung plays Courageous Cheung, a cuckolded husband who faces a series of supernatural challenges from his wife's wealthy lover. First, Cheung must survive a night in a house haunted by a bloodthirsty vampire. From there, things just get worse--and more comical. For those unfamiliar with the Chinese horror genre, the film is a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride through the supernatural mythology and folklore of China: Hopping corpses, supernatural possession by a monkey god, the gratuitous sacrifice of a chicken, and lots of chanting by Taoist priests will all seem pretty trippy. For Chinese viewers in the early 1980s, the film was unusual in other ways: Director Hung mixed comedy, martial arts, and supernatural horror into this bouillabaise of a film, establishing the genre of kung-fu horror comedy. Several films in the genre followed, including the popular MR. VAMPIRE series and many films with the word "spooky" in their titles, including Hung's SPOOKY, SPOOKY and ENCOUNTERS OF THE SPOOKY KIND 2, a sequel in name only.

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Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: Cantonese
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Feature Length Audio Commentary With Hong Kong Cinema Expert Bey Logan, Animated Biography Showcase, Trailer Gallery, Interview With Sammo Hung, Restoration Featurette
Subtitles: English
Year: 1980
Release Date: November 12, 2001
Runtime: 98 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: M D V 566
Label: Hong Kong Legends
Keywords: Martial, Encounter, Encounters, Kind, Wide, Screen, Dubbed, Japanese, Gui, Spooky, Arts, Dui, Chok, Gwai
Genre: Martial Arts

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