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Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Henry Thomas, David O'Hara, Teri Hatcher, Bill Duke

Director: Alex Winter

Summary: Alex Winter's FEVER tells the moody, haunting story of an urban-dwelling twenty-something who begins to show signs of physical and mental deterioration when faced with the suffocating pressure of living alone in New York City. Nick Parker (Henry Thomas), a struggling artist, pays the bills by teaching drawing to the elderly. Living in a squalid Brooklyn tenement, Nick avoids contact with his family, including his sister Charlotte (Teri Hatcher). When his landlord is discovered murdered one morning, Nick receives a visit from Detective Glass (Bill Duke), whom he is unable to help. Around this time, a mysterious new tenant moves into the upstairs apartment. The man, Will (David O'Hara), disturbs Nick with his matter-of-fact attitude and hidden past. As Nick's health becomes more and more fragile, rendering him pale, frazzled, and disoriented, the realisation that he has once again begun to sleepwalk disturbs him even more, triggering an ultimate understanding that just might destroy him. Winter, working hand in hand with cinematographer Joe DeSalvo (ALL OVER ME, JOHNNY SUEDE), creates a stylish, claustrophobic world that is revealed strictly from Nick's scattered point of view. In maintaining this distorted vision, Winter allows the audience to truly view the story through Nick's muddled eyes, resulting in an eerie, dark thriller.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk The years have endowed Saturday Night Feverwith a powerful, elegiac quality since its explosive release in 1977. It was the must-see movie for a whole generation of adolescents, sparking controversy for rough language and clumsily realistic sex scenes which took teen cinema irrevocably into a new age. And of course, it revived the career of the Bee Gees to stratospheric heights, thanks to a justifiably legendary soundtrack which now embodies the disco age. But Saturday Night Feverwas always more than a disco movie. Tony Manero is an Italian youth from Brooklyn straining at the leash to escape a life defined by his family, blue collar job and his gang. Disco provides the medium for him to break free.

It was the snake-hipped dance routines which made John Travolta an immediate sex symbol. But seen today, his performance as Tony is compelling: rough-hewn, certainly, but complex and true, anticipating the fine screen actor he would be recognised as 20 years later. Scenes of the Manhattan skyline and the Brooklyn Bridge, representing Tony's route to a bigger world, now have an added poignancy, adding to Saturday Night Fever's evocative power. It's a bittersweet classic.

On the DVD:Saturday Night Feveris presented in 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen with a Dolby Digital 5.1 surround soundtrack, both of which help to recapture the unique atmosphere of the late 1970s. The main extra is a director's commentary from John Badham, with detailed descriptions of casting and the improvisation behind many of the scenes, plus the unsavoury reality behind Travolta's iconic white disco suit. --Piers Ford

Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 0
Special Features: Interviews with the cast and crew, Behind the scenes
Year: 1999
Release Date: October 3, 2005
Runtime: 92 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: P P D 102
Keywords: General, Fever, Drama
Genre: Drama

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