Jack Nicholson,
Tom Cruise,
Demi Moore,
Kevin Bacon,
Kevin Pollak,
James Marshall
Rob Reiner
Summary: A top Navy lawyer who has never even seen the inside of a courtroom is asked to look into a murder case. Two marines have been arrested for killing a fellow marine in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Both marines maintain that they were issued a Code Red - an official order by their Platoon Commander to 'help retrain' a less than perfect recruit. What follows is an investigation into the workings of the military.
When two marines are charged with murdering a member of their platoon during an unsanctioned disciplinary action in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the armed forces hire a lieutenant they believe is a lightweight defense attorney. Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise) prides himself in having successfully plea-bargained every one of his 44 cases and would just as well make this one his 45th. However, ambitious internal affairs officer Lieutenant Commander Jo Ann Galloway (Demi Moore) smells a rat in the form of a hushed-up practice known as Code Red and, furious at Kaffee's halfhearted efforts, gets hired as the younger cadet's defender. Aided by Lt. Com. Galloway's prodding, Lt. Kaffee begins to realize the rottenness of the whole affair and sets to take on the whole Guantanamo Bay marine corps and its codes, a decision that makes inevitable a ferocious head-to-head showdown with an immovable force. Irascible Colonel Nathan Jessup (Jack Nicholson, in one of the most striking performances of his fabled career) heads the Cuban marine base and is on the cusp of appointment to the National Security Council. Jessup embodies both the necessity and the evil in necessary evil and does not take lightly to anyone questioning his or his corps' methods. Aaron Sorkin's script is adapted from his own gripping award-winning Broadway play and is skillfully brought to the screen by director Rob Reiner.