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Fun With Dick And Jane

Fun With Dick And Jane

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Jim Carrey, Tea Leoni, Alec Baldwin, Richard Jenkins

Director: Dean Parisot

Summary: Dick (Jim Carrey) and Jane (Tea Leoni) are a typical suburban couple. They have a nice house in a development, she works as a travel agent to supplement his white-collar income, and their son's first language is Spanish thanks to spending so much time with nanny Blanca (Gloria Garayua). Things change in the blink of an eye when Dick is promoted to vice president of communications at Globodyne, where he has worked for years. His first order of business: to appear on a popular news show about business and money and lend his magic touch to news of Globodyne's earnings. But Dick doesn't know that Globodyne is about to tank, and in the midst of his interview the situation goes from bad to horrendous and he becomes the scapegoat. In the blink of an eye he is unemployed, his pension is bust, and he can't find a job to save his life. Their front lawn is even repossessed. To make matters worse, Jane quit her job as soon as Dick was promoted, their house has lost value, and their savings was in Globodyne stock. Months later the Harpers find themselves in increasingly dire straits. They resort to paying their nanny with appliances, selling all of their possessions and are facing foreclosure on their house when Dick has a brainstorm: he'll start to steal. Jane joins him, and soon the duo is dressing in elaborate costumes and robbing local businesses and homes. When their final job goes bust, they decide to go for the big heist: scamming Globodyne president Jack McAllister (Alec Baldwin) out of his stolen fortune. Dean Parisot ('Home Fries') directs this remake of the 1977 film of the same name, which has been cheekily updated to incorporate the phenomenon of white-collar crime. Richard Jenkins and Carlos Jacott round out the cast.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Remakes are always a gamble, so it's a pleasant surprise that Fun with Dick and Janepays off with unexpected dividends. It's as entertaining as the 1977 original starring George Segal and Jane Fonda, and the teaming of Jim Carrey and Téa Leoni makes this a safe bet for comedy fans, in spite of a slapstick screenplay that fails to achieve its fullest potential. Rather than attempt a darkly comedic send-up of the Enron scandal that left thousands of stockholders in financial ruin, director Dean Parisot (Galaxy Quest) opts for a lighter, more accessible (read: commercial) satire of corporate greed and cynicism, beginning in the year 2000 when Dick (Carrey) gets a plum promotion as a mega-corporate communications director just as his boss (Alec Baldwin) is preparing to bail out before stock prices plummet. Dick's wife Jane (Leoni) has quit her job as a travel agent, so the corporate bombshell leaves them penniless and desperate, resorting to petty thievery and, eventually, plotting high-stakes revenge against the greedy executives who ruined their lives. As a send-up of financial distress in a ravaged post-Enron economy, Fun with Dick and Jane delivers laughs with just enough pointed humor to give it a strong satirical edge, and Carrey's reliable brand of zaniness is controlled enough to balance nicely with Leoni's more subtle (and woefully underrated) skills as a screen comedienne. And while the "special thanks" end-credits hint at the sharper, more biting satire this might have been, there's enough fun with Dick and Jane to make this recycled comedy worth a look. --Jeff Shannon

Aspect Ratio: 2.40 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Deleted Scenes, Clip Compilation, Film Makers Audio Commentary, Blooper Reel
Subtitles: Dutch, English, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish
Year: 2005
Release Date: May 22, 2006
Runtime: 87 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: C D T 38671
Keywords: With, Comedy, Fun, General, Jane, Dick
Genre: Comedy

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