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Ghost (Collector's Box Set) (+CD)

Ghost (Collector's Box Set) (+CD)

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, Whoopi Goldberg, Tony Goldwyn, Vincent Schiavelli, Rick Aviles

Director: Jerry Zucker

Summary: A stockbroker and his girlfriend move into an apartment and look forward to a lovely future. Unfortunately Sam is murdered and Molly is left bereft. Enter a psychic con lady and Sam's ghost and an investigation into Sam's murder which is classed as a mugging that went wrong...

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk The biggest hit of 1990, Ghostis part comedy, part romance, part supernatural thriller. Patrick Swayze, previously best known for Dirty Dancing, stars as Sam, the banker who is killed following a mugging. Caught in a limbo between here and the afterlife, he uses Whoopi Goldberg's fake psychic as an intermediary to warn wife Molly (Demi Moore) that his death was no accident but a murder and that she is in danger too.

Ghost's original popularity and notoriety originally arose not from its dealings with the supernatural but the scene involving Moore fondly astride her potter's wheel fashioning a somewhat phallic-shaped vase, with Swayze fondly astride her. So infamous did this scene become that it's now more likely to raise a chuckle than a sultry sigh. As for the rest of the movie, it still somehow manages to engage despite the awkward juxtaposition of lachrymose melodrama and zaniness. Demi Moore, whose massive Hollywood success was always a mystery to some, is a little flat as the tomboy-coiffed Molly, her tears occasionally seeming onion-induced. Swayze, however, delivers as Sam while Whoopi Goldberg turns in the best performance of her career, delivering the requisite zip and sass to what otherwise might have been a morose movie.

On the DVD:Though well restored, DVD enhancement has only served to emphasise the slightly quaint feel of the special effects here--Ghostwas made just prior to the digital era. Otherwise, this is a good package and an essential purchase for fans. There's a 22-minute featurette, "Remembering the Magic", in which scriptwriter Bruce Joel Rubin explains that the film was inspired by the scene in Hamletin which the Prince meets his Father, and how initially appalled he was that his masterpiece of the supernatural was to be directed by Jerry Zucker, previously responsible for Airplane!. They also reveal that Tina Turner was originally cast for the Goldberg role. Zucker and Rubin team up for a funny commentary track. --David Stubbs

Aspect Ratio: 1.78 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Remembering The Magic Featurette, Commentary By Director Jerry Zucker And Writer Bruce Joel Rubin, Theatrical Trailer
Subtitles: Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, Turkish
Year: 1990
Release Date: October 31, 2005
Runtime: 120 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: P H E 8892
Keywords: Ghost, Box, General, Wide, Screen, Set, Romantic, Drama, Cd, Collector's
Genre: Drama

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