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Gingerdead Man, The

Gingerdead Man, The

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Gary Busey, Robin Sydney, Ryan Locke, Alexa Aleman, Jonathan Chase

Director: Charles Band

Summary: Depending on one's point of view, Gary Busey either sinks or rises to new levels of crazed weirdness in this low-budget, gore-drenched Z-movie. Busey plays deranged murderer Millard Findlemeyer, who's sent to the electric chair by brave witness Sara Leigh (Robin Sidney) after he murders her family. However, his creepy, vengeful mother mixes his ashes into some home made gingerbread mix and then the mix winds up at the Leigh bakery. All it takes is a few drops of blood to trigger an ancient curse and bring Millard's soul to life in the form of an evil, homicidal pastry. Bloodshed ensues as Sara and her friends are forced to fight for their lives against this walking, talking, and stabbing (but oddly kind of adorable) gingerbread man.

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Main Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2006
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: F M D V 1227
Keywords: Man, General, Gingerbread, Horror, Occult, Sci, Fi, Gingerdead
Genre: Horror/Occult

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