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Goodbye Bafana

Goodbye Bafana

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Joseph Fiennes, Dennis Haysbert, Diane Kruger, Shiloh Henderson, Mehboob Bawa, Adrian Galley

Director: Bille August

Summary: It is South Africa, 1968. James Gregory is a typical white Afrikaner who subscribes to a narrow, racist view of black people. When enlisted by South Africa's ruling National Party to guard political prisoner Nelson Mandela, he experiences a crisis of conscience and starts to see the reality of the situation from the other side of the racial divide...

GOODBYE BAFANA tells the eye-opening true story of one man's gradual transition from white supremacist to defender of black rights. Set in South Africa in 1968, in the midst of the National Party's brutal Apartheid regime, the film questions the very nature of what it means to be free. James Gregory (Joseph Fiennes, SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE) is a typical white Afrikaner whose bigoted upbringing has led him to regard all blacks with disdain. As a native Xhosa speaker, he is enlisted by the governing party to keep a watchful eye on political activist Nelson Mandela (Dennis Haysbert, BREACH) who's serving a life sentence on Robben Island for daring to rebel against the system. In a country where black people are stripped of even their most basic human rights--the right to vote, the right to own land, the right to own a business, the right to proper housing and education--the voice of opposition is about as welcome as the notion of democracy itself. For Mandela and other political figures, their involvement with the African National Congress (ANC) was enough to cost them their freedom. During his incarceration, Mandela strikes up an unlikely but profound friendship with his guard, and manages to convince him of the injustices perpetrated daily against South Africa's black population. As Gregory slowly starts to wake up to the inhumanity all around him, he vows to join in the struggle for a free South Africa. Based on the memoirs of Nelson Mandela's prison guard, GOODBYE BAFANA is a thought-provoking and moving account of a very dark period in human history.

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Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Interactive menu
Year: 2007
Release Date: October 15, 2007
Runtime: 118 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: P H E 9354
Keywords: English, General, Goodbye, Drama, Bafana
Genre: Drama

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