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Grange Hill - Series 1 And 2

Grange Hill - Series 1 And 2

Parental Guidance.Info
Summary: Collection that brings together the entire first and second series of popular 1980s school drama GRANGE HILL.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Tucker Jenkins? Benny Green? Trisha Yates? If these names mean nothing to you, then you’ve missed out on a hugely influential part of British childrens’ television programming. Fortunately, the release of Grange Hill Series 1 & 2 on DVD gives a whole new generation the chance to see where the enduring drama all began.

Set in a fictional London comprehensive school, Grange Hill was, from the off, a gritty and down-to-earth programme, far out of keeping with the childrens’ shows of the time. Introducing pupils such as those mentioned back at the start (and not for nothing is Tucker regarded as the first ‘hero’ of the show), they were matched by a now-legendary roster of teachers: who can forget Mr Baxter the PE teacher, for instance?

The secret to Grange Hill’s success is inherent in these two maiden series. And it was the marrying up of a terrific cast of characters to storylines that felt real, without any attempt to gloss anything up. Plus, while it’s Tucker and his gang that are at the centre of much of the drama, there’s plenty going on in the background too to hold your attention. Nostalgics may be surprised at just how much they remember!

But does it all hold up today? Absolutely. This is Grange Hill arguably at its rawest, and it’s all the better for it. And while controversial storylines would really push things out in the years to follow, it’s surprising just how well these early episodes have endured. Whether you’re new to Grange Hill or not, this DVD set is a real treasure from the archives, and a long overdue release. --Simon Brew

Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Full Frame
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Release Date: November 12, 2007
Runtime: 630 minutes
Certification: Parental Guidance.
Catalogue Number: B B C D V D 2408
Keywords: English, Hill, General, Series, Grange, Drama
Genre: Drama

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