Line Kruse,
Mads Mikkelsen,
Nicolas Bro,
Nikolaj Lie Kaas,
Aksel Erhardtsen,
Bodil Jorgensen,
Lily Weiding
Anders Thomas Jensen
Summary: A bitingly clever script elevates this tale of two affable butchers whose tasty recipe for human flesh makes them the hit of their small Danish town. Ambitious Svend (Mads Mikkelsen) and apathetic Bjarne (Nikola lie Kaas) open a butcher shop in their small Danish town. As they are affable losers - Bjarne is a pothead, and Svend is an anxiety-ridden mess - they need a miracle to make it big, which comes in the form of a hapless electrician winding up dead in their meat freezer. Soon, the village is abuzz with excitement over the great new meat dish being served, and Svend has the success he's always dreamed of. Alas, with the demand comes the need to keep up the supply, and that means more visitors to the meat freezer. But while Svend perfects his marinade recipe, Bjarne weakens under the strain of the grisly matters at hand, especially when he falls in love with the undertaker's daughter (Line Kruse) and his mentally handicapped twin brother (also played by Kaas) suddenly wakens from a coma. Surprisingly, sweet-natured character development and positive messages abound in this dark cannibalistic comedy, with gore kept to a minimum. Dogme 95 co-founder Anders Thomas Jensen wrote and directed, so there's plenty of scathing social commentary, though he escapes the drab realism of that movement in favour of quirky, surreal touches.