DVD Title   Buy Now DVD Rental Gundam Wing - Vol. 4 - The Sorrowful Battle (Animated) (Subtitled And Dubbed)

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Gundam Wing - Vol. 4 - The Sorrowful Battle (Animated) (Subtitled And Dubbed)

Gundam Wing - Vol. 4 - The Sorrowful Battle (Animated) (Subtitled And Dubbed)

Parental Guidance.Info
Summary: In this fourth installment of the popular anime series, Oz begins its plan to wipe out the rest of the alliance military and reconcile with the colonies, as they begin to implement their master plan. Duo and Quatre decide to warn the colonies about Oz's true intentions, but are given the cold shoulder. Meanwhile, Heero travels to the South Pole looking for the repaired Gundam and finds Zechs, who challenges him to duel. Also, Lady Une goes into space to work for peace and orders the Gundam designers to build an even stronger Mobile Suit. Knowing this, Heero attempts to infiltrate the moon base, which results in a confrontation with Trowa. This collection includes the episodes The Sorrowful Battle, Tallgeese Destroyed, and more.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 0
Year: 1995
Release Date: July 22, 2002
Runtime: 125 minutes
Certification: Parental Guidance.
Catalogue Number: 1673
Keywords: Animated, Subtitled, Battle, General, Wing, Dubbed, Childrens, Vol, Gundam, Sorrowful
Genre: Childrens

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