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Inseminoid (Wide Screen)

Inseminoid (Wide Screen)

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Judy Geeson, Robin Clarke, Jennifer Ashley, Victoria Tennant, Stephanie Beacham, Barry Houghton

Director: Norman J. Warren

Summary: Terrifying space horror in which an alien creature terrorises an archaeological team to achieve its obsession... survival.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk It's trouble in space, as a crew of astronauts brings a little something extra back on their bargain spaceship. One explorer goes mental and hijacks the tram inside a space mining facility, then another gets her foot caught and amputates it with a hedge trimmer. A third (Judy Geeson, looking like a poor man's Angie Dickinson) is impregnated by a big slimy-looking alien and then the trouble reallystarts. She has the rest of her crewmates on the run as the gestating little monsters inside her command her to KILL KILL KILL, eventually smashing up the control room aboard the ship and generally causing trouble. The plot elements will ring familiar bells for sci-fi fans, dating back to Alienand even the mouldy 50s classic It! The Creature from Beyond Space, with an alien stowaway and paranoid, suspicious crew members aboard a claustrophobic spacecraft. The movie's cheesy look is unavoidable throughout, with sets about on a par with an episode of the original Star Trek. However, there's a rather high gore quotient, wonderfully hammy performances (Geeson has a shriek that rivals any 50s scream queen) and a fairly repulsive (and inexpensive) alien. Fans of B-movie sci-fi should find that Inseminoidwill deliver some fairly familiar goods in a pleasingly trashy package. --Jerry Renshaw

Aspect Ratio: 2.35 Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 0
Special Features: Exclusive Norman J. Warren Documentary, Theatrical Trailer, Interactive Animated Menu, Film Flash, Actors Filmography, Directors Biography, Scene Selection
Year: 1980
Release Date: July 26, 1999
Runtime: 89 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: S V D 5001
Keywords: Planet, General, Wide, Screen, Inseminoid, Horror, Occult, Sci, Fi
Genre: Horror/Occult

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