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It's A Very Merry Muppet Christmas

It's A Very Merry Muppet Christmas

Universal, Suitable For All.Info Stars: The Muppets, Molly Shannon, John C. McGinley, Carson Daly, Kelly Ripa

Summary: Christmas fun with the Muppets. The regular cast of characters rediscover the joy of friendship as they try to raise money by putting on a Christmas show to save their precious theatre from the clutches of the evil Miss Bitterman.

The Muppets are back! This smart, funny holiday film is family entertainment at its finest. Join the regular cast of characters, including some new faces, as they rediscover the joy of friendship as they try to raise money by putting on a Christmas show to save their precious theatre from the clutches of the evil Miss Bitterman. Many celebrity guests including Whoopi Goldberg, David Arquette, Joan Cusack, and Matthew Lillard are on hand to help out, but the real stars here are The Muppets, who deliver unforgettable musical numbers like 'Moulin Scrooge'.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Kermit takes centre stage in A Very Muppet Christmas Movie, a hilarious, parody-laden celebration of muppetry, pulsating with original music, a star-studded cast of human cameos, and a heartwarming story reminiscent of It's a Wonderful Life. Joan Cusack plays the deliciously villainous Miss Bitterman, a ruthless banker who succeeds in foreclosing on the Muppet Theatre only days before Kermit's Christmas extravaganza. As Kermit loses his livelihood, he plunges into the "I wish I'd never been born" mind-set instantly recognisable to George Bailey fans. It's going to take some divine intervention (Whoopi Goldberg is cast as God, no less), plus a little help from a heavenly "Clarence". Despite some moments where the script seems adrift and some humour that borders on the risqué, Fozzie and the gang are in fine form. The message is sweet: dreams are as vital to life as loyal friendships are to see them through. --Lynn Gibson

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Deleted Scenes, Trailer
Year: 2002
Release Date: November 6, 2006
Runtime: 85 minutes
Certification: Universal, Suitable For All.
Catalogue Number: 25317 D V D
Keywords: Family, Christmas, Very, General, Merry, Muppet, Muppets, Childrens, It's
Genre: Childrens

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