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Jackass Vol.3

Jackass Vol.3

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Johnny Knoxville, Chris Pontius

Summary: More highlights from the MTV series.

Created and produced by innovative film maker and video director Spike Jonze (BEING JOHN MALKOVICH) as an offshoot of the comedic anything-goes skateboard videos which gave him his first taste of success on the underground, MTV's JACKASS unites a cast of low-rent daredevils who are ready for anything--and more importantly--are ready to capture their often painful antics on video! Blind skateboarding, COOL HAND LUKE-inspired egg-eating contests (vomiting included), swimming in full porta-potties, wheelbarrow-races down very steep hills--ringleader Johnny Knoxville, Bam Margera, and the rest of their twisted buddies will try anything, no matter how much it hurts them or how high the grossout potential! (Volume One of the series is being withheld indefinitely).

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Jackassis very probably the most perfectly named programme in the history of television. The cult MTV hit is the sort of exceedingly stupid thing that can only be the work of clever people; in this case, a collection of old-enough-to-know-better delinquents who appear to have taken the wisdom about the dumbing-down of popular culture as a challenge. The difference between Jackassand most dumb things on television is that other dumb things on television like to pretend that they're arch, or clever, or at the very least camp. Jackassmakes no such pretensions, and for this reason it is incredibly, liberating and funny.

There is no subtext to any of this. Johnny Knoxville and company think of something supremely idiotic to do, and do it. We see them riding down hills on ice blocks, inviting a fire crew to turn their hoses on them, and trying to ride bicycles around a 360-degree wooden loop while dressed as chickens. That only one cast member ends up hospitalised is little short of miraculous, and surely proof that God loves his clowns.--Andrew Mueller

Aspect Ratio: Full Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Trivia Game, Cast Biographies, Photo Gallery
Subtitles: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Turkish
Year: 2000
Release Date: September 15, 2003
Runtime: 77 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: P H E 8359
Keywords: Comedy, General, Three, Volume, Vol, Jackass
Genre: Comedy

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