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Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Alejandro Ferretis, Magdalena Flores, Carlos Reygadas Barquin

Director: Carlos Reygadas Barquin

Summary: The story of a man who takes the decision to commit suicide, he leaves the city and heads off to stay in a quiet village until the time is ready...

Assisted by a cane, the unidentified lead (Alejandro Ferretis) of JAPON limps through a desolate canyon in his trademark red flannel jacket searching for deeper meaning. He has arrived at this remote Mexican location, escaping the city to paint and find the kind of serenity only nature can provide. Here he stays with Ascen (Magdalena Flores), an elderly woman who cooks for him and cleans his shirts. Ascen has lived on the land for forty years, but her nephew Juan Luis (Martin Serrano) is now reclaiming the land. Juan Luis intends to demolish a building which protects Ascen's modest dwelling, so he can collect money for the stones that hold up the structure. As the unidentified painter tries to get Ascen to fight for her home, he develops a sexual desire for his elderly host.
The importance of nature is prevalent throughout Carlos Reygadas' meditative work. Long, luminous takes allow thoughtful reflection as the film takes both its viewers and its protagonist on an existential journey. Adding to the languid beauty of the film is Arvo Part's moving score.

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Aspect Ratio: Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: Spanish
Region: Region 0
Special Features: Carlos Reygadas Interview, Documentary Ayacatzintia, Theatrical Trailer
Subtitles: English
Year: 2002
Release Date: July 28, 2003
Runtime: 129 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: A R T 245 D V D
Keywords: Subtitled, General, Wide, Screen, Spanish, Drama, Japon
Genre: Drama

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