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Jaws (30th Anniversary Collector's Limited Edition)

Jaws (30th Anniversary Collector's Limited Edition)

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw, Richard Dreyfuss, Lorraine Gary

Director: Steven Spielberg

Summary: During the height of beach season, the Massachusetts resort town of Amity Island is terrorised by surprise attacks from a great white shark. Three unlikely partners team up to hunt down the rogue and destroy it; the new chief of police, a young university-educated oceanographer, and a crusty old-time fisherman.

From the best-selling novel by Peter Benchley, Steven Spielberg directed this thrill ride of terror. During the height of beach season, the Massachusetts resort town of Amity Island is terrorized one summer by surprise attacks from a great white shark. Three unlikely partners team up to hunt down the rogue and destroy it: the new chief of police from New York (Roy Scheider), a young university-educated oceanographer (Richard Dreyfuss), and a crusty old-time fisherman (Robert Shaw). The film shoot was notoriously difficult for the young Spielberg, who had directed only one feature film before JAWS. The mechanical shark seldom operated correctly, and Spielberg was frequently forced to create the idea of terror without actually showing the shark. However, after the film premiered it went on to become the highest-grossing film of all time--surpassing THE GODFATHER and becoming the first film to gross more than a hundred million dollars. Composer John Williams created the score to JAWS, which has since become a well-known theme of impending doom. Ron and Valerie Taylor were responsible for filming live sharks in Australia; their sequences were later mixed with footage of the mechanical shark.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk In the vastly overrated 1998 book Easy Riders, Raging Bulls, author Peter Biskind puts the blame for Hollywood's blockbuster mentality at least partially on Steven Spielberg's box-office success with this adaptation of Peter Benchley's bestselling novel. But you can't blame Spielberg for making a terrific movie, which Jaws definitely is. The story of a Long Island town whose summer tourist business is suddenly threatened by great-white-shark attacks on humans bypasses the potboiler trappings of Benchley's book and goes straight for the jugular with beautifully crafted, crowd-pleasing sequences of action and suspense supported by a trio of terrific performances by Roy Scheider (as the local sheriff), Richard Dreyfuss (as a shark specialist), and particularly Robert Shaw (as the old fisherman who offers to hunt the shark down). The sequences on Shaw's boat--as the three of them realize that in fact the shark is hunting them--are what entertaining moviemaking is all about. --Marshall Fine

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1975
Release Date: August 29, 2005
Runtime: 119 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 823 476 0
Keywords: General, Edition, Jaws, Limited, Anniversary, Thriller, 30th, Collector's
Genre: Thriller

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