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Kermit's Swamp Years (Wide Screen)

Kermit's Swamp Years (Wide Screen)

Universal, Suitable For All.Info Stars: Kermit

Director: David Gumpel

Summary: This is the story of Kermit the Frog before he became a celebrity and a household name. The story starts when Kermit was ten years old and living in a swamp with his best friends Goggles and Croaker. Unfortunately Goggles was nabbed but a pet shop owner and Kermit along with Croaker and a dog named Pilgrim set off to find their friend...

What was life like for Kermit the Frog before he became famous and captured the hearts of Muppet-lovers everywhere

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Kermit's Swamp Yearsis the full-length version of a one-off American cable television feature that sets out to show us the formative years of the future host of The Muppet Show. Its focus is a childhood adventure involving Kermit and his two best friends: a somewhat delinquent frog called Croaker, and a tremulous toad named Goggles. Though the film was, obviously, made some years after the death of Kermit's creator, Jim Henson, the wit, spirit and joy that informed Sesame Streetand The Muppet Showare all discernible here. Henson's resounding genius was to understand that children can tell when they are being treated like idiots, and that they don't much care for it, which is why The Muppet Showis still enjoyed by adults who grew up with the programme, and why none of those adults will object to sitting through Kermit's Swamp Yearswith their children.

On the DVD:Kermit's Swamp Yearsis presented anamorphically in 1.78:1 widescreen. Extras include behind-the-scenes footage, which reinforces the fact that the human magic necessary to animate the muppet characters is far more interesting and impressive than any amount of the computer wizardry now favoured by most similar films. There are also some quite well-done muppet pastiches of the common DVD special features, interviews with, and commentary from, the stars, and a collection of bloopers and out-takes. --Andrew Mueller

Aspect Ratio: 1.78 Wide Screen, 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Behind The Scenes Of Kermits Swamp Years, Interview On The Set With Kermit, Bloopers, Scene Specific Audio Commentary With Kermit And Horace, Trailer
Subtitles: Arabic, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, Swedish, Turkish
Year: 2002
Release Date: March 7, 2005
Runtime: 79 minutes
Certification: Universal, Suitable For All.
Catalogue Number: C 823 327 5
Keywords: Years, Family, Wide, Screen, Swamp, Kermit's, Kermit
Genre: Family

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