DVD Title   Buy Now DVD Rental L'Africaine - Meyerbeer (Various Artists)

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L'Africaine - Meyerbeer (Various Artists)

L'Africaine - Meyerbeer (Various Artists)

Info Stars: Shirley Verrett, Placido Domingo, Ruth Ann Swenson, Justino Diaz, Michael Devlin, Philip Skinner, San Francisco Ballet, San Francisco Opera Orch And Chorus, Maurizio Arena

Director: Lotfi Mansouri

Summary: A performance of the opera 'L'Africaine' by Giacomo Meyerbeer in San Francisco. Directed for video by Brian Large.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Enormously popular and influential in its time, Meyerbeer's L'Africainehas become a rarity--the conventions of grand opera which it embodies so thoroughly are only familiar as adapted by Verdi and Wagner, so this work usefully reminds us of how radical they were. Meyerbeer and his librettist Scribe give us a five-act plot full of confrontations and threats of death, a shipwreck and the suicide of the Indian heroine Selika and her rejected suitor by inhaling the poisonous aromas of a deadly tree. The expedition of Vasco Da Gama round the Cape of Good Hope and up to the spice ports of India becomes less a story about the crusade for profit and more a matter of messy triangular love affairs. Heavy fathers, Brahmin priests and Grand Inquisitors are handled with much facility and no intensity. What L'Africainereally amounts to is a singers' display piece, and the two principals here--Shirley Verrett as Selika and Placido Domingo as Vasco--are entirely up to its demands. Domingo reminds us that Vasco's Act 4 aria "Oh Paradis" was for decades a standard tenor showstopper. The other principals, Ruth Ann Svenson and Justino Diaz, are entirely admirable and Marco Arena and the San Francisco Opera give the work as a whole both the grandeur it certainly possesses and rather more subtlety than one might have expected.

On the DVD:The DVD, presented in 4:3 ratio, and in PCM stereo, has no features apart from instructions and subtitles in French, German, English and Spanish. This failure to provide extras, or even an especially informative leaflet, becomes especially regrettable with a work whose conventions are now far out of the operatic mainstream. --Roz Kaveney

Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Subtitles: English, French, German, Spanish
Year: 1988
Release Date: September 3, 2001
Runtime: 194 minutes
Certification: Exempt.
Catalogue Number: 100 216
Keywords: Music, Opera, Works, Stage, Classical, Meyerbeer, Performing, Operetta, Arts, L'africaine
Genre: Music/Performing Arts

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