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Last Man On Earth, The

Last Man On Earth, The

Parental Guidance.Info Stars: Vincent Price

Director: Ubaldo Ragona

Summary: Based on Richard Matheson's SF thriller I AM LEGEND, THE LAST MAN ON EARTH is about a man who survives a global plague only to be stalked nightly by zombie-like victims who call out his name. Vincent Price stars as Robert Morgan, a scientist who has been desperately trying to come up with a cure for an airborne virus that's been killing people around the globe. Although he failed to develop a serum in time to save his family, he himself seems to be immune from the disease. Thus, he is left to wander the streets by day, slaying zombies, then barricading himself in his house each night as the un-dead try to break in and kill him. Price is excellent in the role, going about his horrible business as if it were just another day: waking up and eating breakfast, putting on a suit, calmly slaying the zombies, making dinner, listening to records at night. But when he suddenly sees what looks like another living soul out in the daylight, his world is suddenly turned inside out.

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Aspect Ratio: 4:3 Full Frame
Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Interactive menu
Year: 1964
Release Date: September 29, 2008
Runtime: 86 minutes
Certification: Parental Guidance.
Catalogue Number: C H S C10040
Keywords: Man, Last, Earth, English, General, Fiction, Science, Horror
Genre: Science Fiction

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