DVD Title   Buy Now DVD Rental Laurel And Hardy Collection - Vol. 1

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Laurel And Hardy Collection - Vol. 1

Laurel And Hardy Collection - Vol. 1

Universal, Suitable For All.Info Stars: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy

Summary: Five Laurel and Hardy shorts: 'Hustling For Health' finds Stan's holiday plans going wrong with him ending up staying with a complete stranger. 'The Paper Hanger's Helper' finds Oliver answering an urgent call from a mental hospital. 'A Lucky Dog' finds Stan and Ollie together for the first time with Oliver trying to rob Stan. 'The Soilers' is a parody of a major hit film of the same year. In 'Roughest Africa' two explorers in Africa try to capture and photograph animals.

Five silent films showing Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy before they teamed up and went on to becomes legends. Contains:
Hustling For Health (1919)
The Paper Hanger's Helper (1920)
A Lucky Dog (1921)
The Soldiers (1923)
Roughest Africa (1923)

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Aspect Ratio: 4:3
Main Language: English
Region: Region 0
Special Features: None
Subtitles: None
Year: 1919
Release Date: September 8, 2003
Runtime: 70 minutes
Certification: Universal, Suitable For All.
Catalogue Number: 761289
Keywords: Africa, Collection, Dog, Comedy, General, Hardy, Soldiers, Laurel, Health, Lucky, Paper, Volume, Vol, Helper, Hustling, Hanger's, Roughest
Genre: Comedy

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