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Life On Mars - Series 2 - Complete (Box Set)

Life On Mars - Series 2 - Complete (Box Set)

Suitable For 12 Years And Over.Info Stars: John Simm, Philip Glenister, Liz White

Director: Richard Clark

Summary: Sam Tyler, a detective from the 21st Century finds himself catapulted back to 1973, after a car accident knocks him unconscious. In his new state of altered reality, Sam must prove himself to his 'boss', the hot-headed DCI Gene Hunt, all the while unsure whether he is awake or dreaming. Series 2 of LIFE ON MARS finds Sam attempting to solve both crimes and the truth behind his predicament.

LIFE ON MARS is a throwback to the crime-fighting style of the 1970s, drawing its inspiration from such TV series as THE SWEENEY and THE PROFESSIONALS. As was characteristic of classic 60s fantasy, the creators have taken some risks with the show’s politically incorrect references, daring to be slightly subversive. While its creators are quick to brush off comparisons to fellow time-travelling TV series QUANTUM LEAP, there are obvious thematic similarities, however unconscious. John Simm (HUMAN TRAFFIC) ably stars as Sam Tyler, the fish-out-of-water detective who must piece together the mysteries of his own situation, while solving the crime du jour. The show takes its title from David Bowie’s haunting theme song.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk It’s hard to believe it’s over. Life On Mars shot out of nowhere at the beginning of 2006 to become a vital, gripping drama, and this second series more than maintains the sky high standards that the first so memorably set.

What makes it even more surprising is that all the ingredients were there for it to go so tragically wrong. The central premise, that for unknown reasons modern day police detective Sam Tyler wakes up in the 1970s, is fraught with potential potholes, yet the creators of Life On Mars twist it very much in their favour, delivering a skilful, taut comparison between policing then and policing now.

It’s this clash of approach that provides many of Life On Mars’ sparks, but nonetheless, it has much more than that going for it. It boasts, for instance, a terrific level of attention to detail, and weaves in quality narrative too, with Tyler frequently caught between unravelling his predicament, the crimes before him, and his 1970s’ colleagues with their 1970s’ tactics.

This second, and final, series wraps things up surprisingly well, and consistently delivers laughs, action and plenty of pub talk off the back of it. It’s also a delight to revisit Life On Mars, and that makes this collected boxset of the episodes of season two an absolute must for any fan of gritty, interesting and terrifically entertaining British drama. Quite, quite brilliant. --Jon Foster

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Interactive menu
Year: 2007
Release Date: April 16, 2007
Runtime: 470 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 12 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: C T D 10517
Keywords: English, Life, General, Series, Crime, Mars, Drama, Complete
Genre: Drama

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