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Lulu On The Bridge

Lulu On The Bridge

Info Stars: Harvey Keitel, Mira Sorvino, Willem Dafoe, Gina Gershon, Mandy Patinkin, Richard Edson, Vanessa Redgrave

Director: Paul Auster

Summary: When jazzman Izzy Maurer (Harvey Keitel) gets shot and loses his left lung, he is forced to face the future without his saxophone, without the music that was his life. When he stumbles over a dead man in an alley and brings home a briefcase, the small rock he finds inside it changes everything. The glowing, floating stone has a power that overwhelms Izzy and Celia (Mira Sorvino), leading them through a series of events over which they seemingly have no control. Novelist Paul Auster's first solo directing effort (he previously codirected BLUE IN THE FACE with Wayne Wang) is a moving character study of a group of fascinating individuals trying to survive life in New York City. The fine cast features stellar performances by the boldly understated Keitel as well as Sorvino, Gina Gershon, Mandy Patinkin, Willem Dafoe, and Vanessa Redgrave, as a former star actress turned director.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1998
Release Date: February 27, 2006
Certification: To Be Announced.
Catalogue Number: C C D 30292
Keywords: Bridge, General, Lulu, Romantic, Drama
Genre: Drama

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