DVD Title   Buy Now DVD Rental Mark Of The Devil (Dubbed) (Wide Screen)

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Mark Of The Devil (Dubbed) (Wide Screen)

Mark Of The Devil (Dubbed) (Wide Screen)

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Herbert Lom, Reggie Nalder, Gaby Fuchs

Director: Michael Armstrong

Summary: The Inquisitor brings terror to a village where he seeks out witches. Victims of his brutal interrogations are tortured and burnt at the stake. His young assistant and a young woman plot against the brutal regime with tragic consequences.

In 17th-century England, sadistic witch hunter Count Cumberland (Herbert Lom) rapes, tortures, and murders young women in the name of the Church. The corrupt nobleman uses these witch hunts as a means to acquire money, land, and power and to terrorize the local populace, who despise him. After witnessing the Count commit a brutal murder, Cumberland's idealistic young apprentice loses faith in his mentor and conspires to put an end to the sadist's rampage of terror.

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Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Main Language: German
Region: Region 2
Year: 1969
Release Date: September 18, 2006
Runtime: 105 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: P W D 4162
Keywords: Devil, Off, General, Wide, Screen, Mark, Dubbed, Horror, Occult, Schedule, Sci, Fi, Bis, Blut, Gequalt, Hexen, Aufs
Genre: Horror/Occult

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