Summary: The five Marvel action heroes Captain America, The Avengers, Iron Man, Thor and Sub-Mariner save the day in these classic cartoon episodes. Captain America episodes include: 'The Sleeper Shall Wake', 'Where Walks The Sleeper?', 'The Final Sleep', 'Zemo And The Masters Of Evil', 'Zemo Strikes' and 'The Fury Of Zemo'.
The five Marvel action heroes Captain America, The Avengers, Iron Man, Thor and Sub-Mariner save the day in these classic cartoon episodes. Captain America episodes include: 'The Sleeper Shall Wake', 'Where Walks The Sleeper?', 'The Final Sleep', 'Zemo And The Masters Of Evil', 'Zemo Strikes' and 'The Fury Of Zemo'.
The Sub-Mariner fights the powers of evil in the episodes: 'The Start Of The Quest', 'Escape To Nowhere', 'A Prince There Was', 'Not All My Power Can Save Me', 'The End Of The Quest' and 'When Fails The Quest'. The Avengers episodes include: 'Avengers Assemble Part 1', 'Avengers Assemble Part 2', 'Kang', 'Egg-Streme Vengence' and 'Comes A Swordsman'. The mighty hero Thor episodes include: 'Trapped By Loki', 'Vengeance Of Loki', 'The Defeat Of Loki', 'Mysterious Mr. Hyde', 'Revenge Of Mr. Hyde', 'Thor's Showdown With Mr. Hyde', 'The Absorbing Man' and 'In My Hands This Hammer'. And the Iron Man continues to fight for justice in: 'The Mandarin's Death Ray', 'No One Escapes The Mandarin', 'The Moleman Strikes', 'The Dragon Of The Flames', 'Decision Under The Earth', 'The Death Of Tony Stark' and 'The Hands Of The Mandarin'.