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Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life

Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life

Suitable For 18 Years And Over.Info Stars: Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones, Michael Palin

Director: Terry Gilliam

Summary: Truly outrageous Monty Python film about the mystery of birth, death, and everything in between!

The Monty Python team get together for this last feature-length outing. The Pythons explain it all in this episodic, bawdy adventure as they satirise religion, birth control, British politics, Americans, hospitals and of course sex. Amongst the highlights are the "Every Sperm is Sacred" episode that starts off the film, and the grim reaper visiting a bourgeois dinner party where there are some fishy goings on, and the gross Mr Creosote.

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Editor's Review

amazon.co.uk Perhaps only the collective brilliant minds of the Monty Python film and television troupe are up to the task of tackling a subject as weighty as the Meaning of Life. Sure, Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein, and their ilk have tried their hands at this puzzler, but only Python has attempted to do so within the commercial motion picture medium. Happily for us all, Monty Python's the Meaning of Life truly explains everything one conceivably needs to know about the perplexities of human existence, from the mysteries of Catholic doctrine to the miracle of reproduction to why one should avoid the salmon mousse to the critical importance of the machine that goes ping! Using fish as a linking device (and what marvelous links those aquatic creatures make), The Meaning of Life is presented as a series of sketches: a musical production number about why seed is sacred; a look at dining in the afterlife; the quest for a missing fish (there they are again); a visit from Mr. Death; the cautionary tale of Mr. Creosote and his rather gluttonous appetite; an unflinching examination of the harsh realities of organ donation, and so on. Sadly, this was the last original Python film, but it's a beaut. You'll laugh. You'll cry (probably because you're laughing so hard). You may even learn something about the Meaning of Life. Or at least about how fish fit into the grand scheme of things. --Jim Emerson

Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Year: 1983
Release Date: November 8, 2004
Runtime: 86 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 18 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 822 242 7
Keywords: Comedy, Life, General, Monty, Meaning, Python's
Genre: Comedy

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