Ben Whishaw,
Jenna Harrison,
Honeysuckle Weeks,
Adrian Rawlins,
Jonathan Hackett
Dom Rotheroe
Summary: A teenage girl finds that both love and tragedy are a short walk from her house in this intimate drama. After being raped by her teacher, Jessica (Jenna Harrison) is left emotionally shattered. She befriends Tom (Ben Whishaw), another troubled soul and target for local bullies, and the pair bond whilst playing in the woods. But Ben also has a traumatic secret, and its revelation has dramatic consequences for them both.
A girl finds that both love and tragedy are a short walk from her house in this intimate drama. Jessica (Jenna Harrison) is a teenage girl from a wealthy family living in a small community in the countryside. Jessica enjoys exploring in the woods and sometimes rescues wounded animals; another young teen who spends a lot of time in the woods is Tom (Ben Whishaw), a troubled soul who is obviously attracted to Jessica. Jack (Adrian Rawlins), a teacher at Jessica's school, lives in her neighborhood, and one night he rapes her; emotionally shattered, Jessica retreats to the woods, where she meets up with Tom. Unable to talk with anyone about the incident, Jessica finds herself bonding with Tom, and a tentative romance begins to grow between them. It is only when Jessica discovers that Tom is being molested by his father (Jonathan Hackett), that she feels able to tell him her secret, little realising the dramatic consequences of her actions. MY BROTHER TOM was shot on digital video equipment by cinematographer Robby Muller, well known for his camerawork for Wim Wenders and his ground-breaking work on DV with Lars Von Trier.