DVD Title   Buy Now DVD Rental Night Watch/Alien Vs Predator/Resident Evil (Box Set)

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Night Watch/Alien Vs Predator/Resident Evil (Box Set)

Night Watch/Alien Vs Predator/Resident Evil (Box Set)

Suitable For 15 Years And Over.Info Stars: Michelle Rodriguez, Ewen Bremner, Vladimir Menshov, Colin Salmon, Milla Jovovich, Lance Henriksen, Konstantin Khabensky

Director: Paul W.S. Anderson

Summary: Includes the films NIGHT WATCH, ALIEN VS PREDATOR, and RESIDENT EVIL.

Includes the films NIGHT WATCH, ALIEN VS PREDATOR, and RESIDENT EVIL. NIGHT WATCH is a dark apocalyptic tale of a perpetual battle between light and dark, light being the human race and dark being a race of monsters. In ALIEN VS PREDATOR, a group of archaeologists find themselves fighting for survival when they discover a number of aliens buried in the ice. Their survival rate is hampered further by the arrival of more aliens on a training mission. In RESIDENT EVIL, a research laboratory is invaded by a bio-engineered virus and Alice and Rain must put a stop to the spread of the deadly bug.

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Main Language: English
Region: Region 2
Special Features: Scene selection
Release Date: October 16, 2006
Runtime: 294 minutes
Certification: Suitable For 15 Years And Over.
Catalogue Number: 3462801049
Keywords: Night, Alien, English, Evil, Box, General, Three, Watch, Set, Predator, Horror, Occult, Discs, Vs, Resident
Genre: Horror/Occult

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